Nando’s – Manchester Arndale

Nando’s is an extremely popular chain of portuguese peri peri chicken restaurants. They don’t serve any other meat apart from chicken and everything is peri peri spiced (even if you order it plain!). It can be a bit confusing on your first visit because it’s half self service and half waitress service, but this isn’ t a problem after the first time you go and as a consequence it’s so popular that often you’ll see queues to get in stretching round the mall!

My usual order is half a chicken and chips, spiced with lemon and herb – but this day I fancied something completely different. I spotted a ‘Chicken Livers and Portuguese Roll’ and thought I’d give that a try! And I’m so glad I did.

I can’t imagine that this is a popular dish, but they still managed to cook the livers to perfection. (I was half expecting them to be overdone). The spicing of the sauce was delicious and a complete surprise as peri peri is not something I would have thought to flavour chicken livers with. Like the menu suggests, they served this with a bread roll on the side, which is great, because as a wheat intolerant, it means that I could just leave it. The portion size was also excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed this dish and it’s now become my new Nandos favourite.

Kieran also tried something new and went for a burger – although he wasn’t as impressed as I was.

The burger was tasty, but there was far too much bread and it overwhelmed the chicken. As usual, the perinaise (peri per mayo) was also a highlight. Perfect for dipping your chips into!

Nando’s – Manchester Arndale was originally published on Full As An Egg