Black dal with paneer stuffed naan

This seems like a really healthy recipe, but is certainly is not. Packed full of cheese, cream and butter, this a really decadent dish.

Serves 4

Black dal with paneer stuffed naan bread

Adapted from Olive Magazine


  • 2 can black lentils
  • butter 75g
  • onion 1, grated
  • garlic 2 cloves, crushed
  • ginger 1 tbsp, finely chopped
  • tomato purée 2 tbsp
  • double cream 2 tbsp


  • cinnamon 1/2 stick
  • cloves 2
  • star anise 1/2
  • cumin seeds 1/2 tsp
  • coriander seeds 1 tsp
  • cardamon 2 pods


  • easy bake yeast or fast-action yeast 1/2 tsp
  • golden caster sugar 1 tsp
  • milk 25ml, warm
  • strong white bread flour 125g
  • salt 1/4 tsp
  • natural yogurt 1 1/4 tsp
  • rapeseed oil
  • green chilli 1/2, seeded and finely chopped
  • cumin seeds 1/2 tsp, toasted
  • paneer 100g, coarsely grated
  • butter for brushing
  • black onion seeds 1/2 tsp


  1. Toast the spices for the spice mix in a dry frying pan until they start to smell fragrant. Cool then grind in a spice- or coffee grinder.
  2. Heat the oven to 150C/fan 130C/gas 2. Heat 50g of the butter in an ovenproof pot with a lid.
  3. Add the onion, garlic and ginger and cook for 3-4 minutes until softened. Stir in the spices and cook for a couple of minutes.
  4. Add the tomato purée, beans and 850ml water and bring to a simmer. Put a sheet of foil under the lid to create a seal, then put in the oven for 2 hours.
  5. To make the naan, add the yeast and half of the sugar to the warm milk, then leave for
  6. a couple of minutes. Tip the rest of the sugar, flour and salt into a bowl. Pour in the yeast mixture, yogurt, 4 tbsp water and 2 tbsp oil, and mix to a dough.
  7. Knead until the dough is smooth, adding a little water if it feels too stiff, or flour if it’s too sticky. It should be really soft when you’ve finished kneading.
  8. Leave in an oiled bowl, covered, for about an hour, or until it has doubled in size.
  9. Mix the chilli, cumin and paneer and season well. Divide the dough into 8 balls. Roll each one out to a circle about half a cm thick, sprinkle over 1/8 of the cheese mixture and spread it out a bit.
  10. Fold over the dough and seal the edges. Roll it out again to a teardrop shape – it should be quite thin. Repeat with the remaining naans. Heat a large frying pan to hot, put a naan in and cook it until the top starts to puff and the underside browns. Turn over and brown the other side.
  11. Brush with butter or ghee, sprinkle with black onion seeds, then put in a low oven to keep warm. Repeat with the remaining naans.
  12. To finish the dal, stir in the rest of the butter and the cream and season well with salt. Serve with the naan.