Pork chop with ‘nduja sauce

This is a really simple dish that I made to use up some ‘nduja that was lurking at the back of the fridge. I served this with some green veg, but would work well with chips too.

Serves 2


  • 100g double cream
  • 2 tsp ‘nduja paste
  • 2 pork chops, bone in
  • 1 small shallot
  • 1 small garlic clove
  • 1/2 lemon
  • Some green veg, like broccoli or green beans


  1. Pour the cream into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Add the ‘nduja then bring back up to the boil. Remove from the heat and keep at room temp until needed.
  2. Finely chop the shallot and garlic together, then add the lemon juice to it.
  3. Heat the grill to a medium-high heat and season the pork chops. Place under the grill for 2 mins each side. Turn the heat down to medium low, then cook for a further two minutes each side. Remove from the grill and place under foil to rest.
  4. Blanche your vegetables in boiling water for a frw minutes before draining.
  5. Put a frying pan on the hob on a low heat with a little oil. Add the garlic, shallot and lemon and fry lightly for 3 mins. Add the cooked green veg to the pan and mix through.
  6. Meanwhile, warm through the ‘nduja sauce slowly and then serve.